China: Fixed Assets Investment (YTD Cumulative, YoY) - Total




China's Fixed Assets Investment is calculated and published by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This indicator measures the amount of work completed and related costs for the construction and purchase of fixed assets over a certain period. It reflects the scale, structure, and development speed of fixed assets investment and serves as an important basis for observing project progress and evaluating investment effectiveness. A higher year-to-date cumulative growth rate (YTD Cumulative, YoY) indicates increased investment activity and economic vitality, while a lower rate suggests a slowdown in investment and economic growth.

The scope of fixed assets investment includes both state-owned and private enterprises, with the industry segments divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. The three main areas of focus are real estate investment, infrastructure investment, and manufacturing investment.

This data is typically released monthly, providing cumulative investment changes for the year.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics (Choice)
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China's Fixed Assets Investment is calculated and published by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This indicator measures the amount of work completed and related costs for the construction and purchase of fixed assets over a certain period. It reflects the scale, structure, and development speed of fixed assets investment and serves as an important basis for observing project progress and evaluating investment effectiveness. A higher year-to-date cumulative growth rate (YTD Cumulative, YoY) indicates increased investment activity and economic vitality, while a lower rate suggests a slowdown in investment and economic growth.

The scope of fixed assets investment includes both state-owned and private enterprises, with the industry segments divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. The three main areas of focus are real estate investment, infrastructure investment, and manufacturing investment.

This data is typically released monthly, providing cumulative investment changes for the year.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics (Choice)
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